Children’s Ministry

Trinity desires to assist parents to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


The Trinity Nursery is divided into two rooms: the baby and toddler rooms. The baby room is for the babies 6 weeks through 17 months of age. This room has a separate sleeping area and nursing area for moms. The toddler room is for children ages 18 months through 3 years old. The children in both rooms have free play, Bible story time, snack time and a time of singing during the worship hour. During the Sunday School hour, the children have a time of singing, prayer, Bible lesson, snack time and free play.

To learn more about our nursery policies and procedures, see our Nursery Security PDF and our Nursery FAQ PDF.

Elementary Sunday School

trinity church kirkwood children's ministryThe Elementary Sunday School goal is to see our children grow as Jesus did: in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and Man (Luke 2:52). Thus our program is designed to faithfully teach God’s Word to children ages 4 yrs through 5th grade. Currently we are using the “Show Me Jesus” curriculum from Great Commission Publications which provides age-appropriate lessons and learning experiences. Our committed volunteers include classroom teachers as well as two music teachers who teach relevant songs to each grade level.

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is offered for children ages 4 yrs – 2nd grade. Children are dismissed during the offertory for a worship time of their own. Kids learn different parts of the worship service by “playing church”. They pick jobs such as being in the worship band, singing, helping with the Bible story, or ushering. Each year the children travel through the church calendar to learn how the church tells time using our interactive Bible stories that engage children and enable them to tell and retell Bible stories on their own. Parents pick up their children from the Children’s Church Room following the close of the Worship service.

Mom’s Play Group

A group of moms and kiddos meet twice a month on Fridays for fun and fellowship. Whether it’s meeting at Kirkwood Park, someone’s home, the church kids’ rooms, or at a museum, this group desires to share life and grow in friendship together. There is always room for more moms and kiddos in this group. One does not have to attend Trinity to participate. Contact the church office for more details.


Vacation Bible School is one of our main children’s outreach activities. It is a fun-filled, week long program offered during the summer to teach the Gospel to children ages 3 through 4th grade. The week is action-packed with skits, songs, games, crafts and Bible stories. A different theme is used each year to teach Trinity’s children and their friends about God’s love in a creative and interactive way.

Please check the church’s calendar for more events that happen throughout the year.

Children’s Ministry Team

Youth & Families Director – Rev. Dr. Chris Polski

Nursery – Alyce Bava

Sunday School – Michelle Goldstein

Please contact any of the team leaders for more information at