
Jesus’ Joyful Job

January 4, 2015
What is Jesus’ job and why does it bring him such joy?

Repairing…And Repaired

December 28, 2014
Already... but not yet! Repairing... until fully repaired

Was It a Silent Night?

December 24, 2014
Christmas Eve Homily

The Great Exchange

December 21, 2014
At His appointed time, those who mourn shall be comforted.

Ready for Some Good News?

December 14, 2014
Ready for Some Good News?

Good News for the Poor

December 7, 2014
Isaiah 61:1 teaches us who the poor really are and what they really need.

The Anointed of the Lord

November 30, 2014
WHO Jesus really is and WHAT His coming means

Back to Basics

November 23, 2014
Why do the wicked prosper? Why do the ungodly false teachers get away with it? In the midst of the challenges of resisting attacks on Christ and the true gospel,…
God does judge, but He also saves!

The Commonwealth of Christ

November 9, 2014

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