
From Broken to Open

May 24, 2015
We must be broken by God before we can truly be open before God.


May 17, 2015
We must first be bound if we wish to become a blessing.


May 10, 2015
Since God sees the big picture, we need to trust him when we get lost
God overcomes the most wretched of our sins.

Scattered for Saving

April 12, 2015

Can something be both good and bad at the same time?

Good Friday Service

April 3, 2015
We See the Cross We Consider the Cross We Live Beneath the Cross

The Bottom Line

March 29, 2015
Our lives find their ultimate meaning and greatest satisfaction in trusting God Part 6 in a series on Ecclesiastes
Enjoy Your Vain Life! Part 5 in a series on Ecclesiastes
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