Staff & Leadership

Many folks help to lead our ministries, but our primary ministry staff is made up of:

chris polski

Rev. Dr. Chris Polski – Lead Pastor

Chris came to Trinity in 2007 after serving as the Senior Pastor of Golden Isles Presbyterian Church on St. Simons Island in Georgia. Chris has a deep desire to help the suburban church break out of its suburban malaise and engage in active ministry in its own community and beyond. He loves sports, U2, and is an avid C.S. Lewis reader. He is married to Katie and has been blessed with three wonderful children. Chris has an M.Div. from Covenant Theological Seminary and is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry Degree.

pablo rosales

Rev. Pablo Rosales – Assistant Pastor of Outreach

Pablo was born and raised in NYC. He served in the NYPD for 11 years. During his time there, he met Mary, as well as his Lord, Jesus (a long story, which he is glad to share). In 2016, he, Mary, and their four children moved to St. Louis to attend Covenant Theological Seminary. During their time in seminary they welcomed and lost their fifth child, a beautiful baby girl, Karis Liberty-Hope. She is awaiting the resurrection and the Rosales family eagerly await it as well. Upon graduation and before coming to Trinity, Pablo worked with Restore St. Louis and Covenant Presbyterian Church to help redeem some of the gaps that exist between the county and city. He enjoys playing and spending time with his kids, watching movies and shows with Mary, woodworking, and the NY Rangers and Yankees (although he will cheer for the Blues and Cards on occasion).

amy mitchell

Mrs. Amy Mitchell – Administrative Assistant and Women’s Ministry Director

Amy is a St. Louis native, who joined Trinity’s staff in the Summer of 2008. Amy oversees communications & office administration, meaning she does most of the behind-the-scenes things that keep the church running and people in the loop. As of 2017, Amy has taken on leadership of the Women’s Ministry, serving as the point person for a wonderful team of ladies who serve to make the women’s ministry happen. Amy loves serving the church and being a part of what God is doing at Trinity. She is married to Scott, and together they have three beautiful girls.

Mr. Duncan Highmark – Assistant to the Pastor

Duncan was a founding member of Trinity Church and gives the bulk of his time to serving the congregation in the areas of our Engage St. Louis Project, managing our administrative needs, and assisting our deacons in caring for our facility. In addition to helping Trinity, Duncan is a member of the Board at Covenant College. He is married to Debbie.

Mrs. Katie Polski – Director of Music Ministries

Katie grew up in St. Louis and joined the staff at Trinity in 2017.  She assists the pastors with worship planning and leads our music ensemble; she has a heart for worship and loves to serve others through the music ministry.  Katie also serves on the board of Covenant College and is currently pursuing her Masters of Arts in Theology at Covenant Seminary.  She also spends time writing and speaking to women’s groups about the joy they can have through Christ.  Katie enjoys running, going out to eat, and spending time with her three kids.


Elders are the shepherding leaders of the church. At Trinity, each member has access to our elders, and in particular, one elder who is dedicated to serving their families spiritual needs. Our session is made up of ruling (RE) and teaching (TE) elders.

Our current active ruling elders (RE) are: RE Bill Elzinga, RE Chris Freeman, RE J Harrison, RE Michael Jorgensen, RE Bill Kling, RE Steve O’Neal, RE Fielding Poe, RE Ron Ridderbos, RE Tom Schmidt, and RE Jim Talent. Our session is moderated by TE Chris Polski.


Deacons are the servant-leaders of the church.

At Trinity we are blessed to have Josh Hendricks (Chair), Kevin Keating, Kyle Kocher, Roger Manwaring, Will Mattingly, Jamie McCall, Scott Mitchell, Caleb Moen, Dave Nichols, Philip Oehlerking, Paul Schaeffer, Glynn Schlitt, Doug Standerfer, Norman Steele, and Shaun Thomason fulfilling this important calling.